Best Places to Visit in Sri Lanka

Best Places to Visit in Sri Lanka

Many globe trotters consider Srilanka as a paradise, full of romantic landscapes, governed by rising mountains, sandy oceans, gushing waterfalls, lush forests, and much more. The dusk and dawn connected with the warm smiles of the Sri Lankan culture create a vibrant picture of our little island. Thinking about best places to visit in Srilanka, a few are mentioned below;

Colombo is a modern city considered the capital of Srilanka, filled with numerous star-class hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, and every form of transport imaginable. Galle Face Green is a five-hectare ocean-side urban park in the heart of the financial and business district Colombo full of both local and foreign tourists. Enjoying a comfortable city tour on a Double Decker bus is something not to forget while visiting Colombo national museum which contains plenty of ancient paintings, sculptures, and sketches exhibited in local galleries. Visiting Gangaramaya temple, one of the most venerable temples in the county decorated with wonderful stone carving, brass working, and a house museum. Dehiwala zoo has some of the best and rare beasts and birds of the wild which is considered as the best place to visit in Srilanka.

The hill city of Kandy is a charming place consisting of a magnificent past and a manmade magical lake surrounded by the city. The Esala Perahara known as the Kandy festival is one of the most annual spectacles which attracts thousands of tourists from all around the world. Kandy city’s main attraction is Dalada Maligawa (Temple of Tooth Relic) which houses a sacred relic of Buddha. Peradeniya Botanical garden is something that we cannot forget of which is full of various plants and flowers which gives a pleasant and calming environment for the tourists.

Galle is a charming historical city located on Srilanka’s west coast, teeming with stunning colonial buildings, and infused with the scent of exotic spices. Galle is a blend of cultures between modernity and antiquity. Galle Fort which is considered a huge magical invention is another reason to visit Galle. Sunny sandy beach areas covering all the coastal islands are most famous for, surfing, scuba diving, yachting, Hot air balloon tours, kite surfing, Experiencing Dolphins, whales, sun tanning are just a few to mention. Enjoying tropical delights in a way of lobsters, lagoon crabs, prawns, all cooked in a fiery Srilankan style is exciting.

Stretching across the southern part of Srilanka, the Udawalawe National park is most famous among travelers for its herds of elephants that can be easily spotted through the reserve. It is full of waterholes, sparkling lagoons, where a number of other animals can be found such as; monkeys, crocodiles, leopards, bears, unique birds, and much more. Yala national park is also considered as one of the most popular wildlife destinations in Srilanka teeming with a lot of animals, majestic sights to beyond.

Sigiriya located atop a rock plateau overlooking a verdant vibrant jungle contains remains of a magical military base build up thousands of years ago with mysterious technology which still demands the present engineering inventions. The place consists of ruins, colorful drawings on the rocks are just a few key points which attract history geeks from all around the world.

Adam’s peak known as Sri Pada is considered as one of the most honorable sacred places in Sri Lanka according to the Buddhists. This place has more attractions other than watching the sun emerges through the horizon. It’s an ideal place for hikers which they can enjoy a calming journey among the dazzling waterfalls and exciting rainforest jungles.

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